You can rsvp on the Facebook Event Page here.
I'll be there from 12:30pm to 4pm. I am keeping my fingers cross that the weather will cooperate!
There'll be refreshments (bring your own drink bottle/cup to be extra green) and buttons! Outer Layer is holding a store-wide sale and Ecojot will be giving a $1 off all Ecojot purchases above $10! Not to mention a special onsite raffle giveaway. So if you're in town, please come by and say hello...
Speaking of giveaways, I've got my end-of-August Giveaway until August 31st, simply scroll down or click here to enter.
And finally, I came across this parody by Julia Stiles late last night on Cele|Bitchy... Yes, it's a guilty pleasure to browse through celebrity rag-sites. This video is hilarious...
So many celebrities claim to be green... But how green are they really? I like to think that Julia is bringing awareness to the prevalence greenwashing, and the need to be throughly ecoConscious. She's g got a website of the parody at: juliastilesstyles.com
Have a terrific weekend! I hope to see you tomorrow!
i will be a bit late as i have to go to yoga which ends at 12.30. will be there by 1pm!
aw, I wish I was there....I'd like to meet you! :)
Out of curiosity, have you ever heard of Pistachio paper products? I always see them next to Ecojot products at Chapters.
perhaps one day i can do an ecojot customer appreciation event in vancouver! and then we'll meet :)
re: pistachio, i have indeed heard of them. they are indigo/chapter's own green line. truth be told, it's a bit upsetting because they are kind of knocking off ecojot. have you noticed how similar the products look? they've got a couple pistachio stores here in toronto. both indigo/chapters and pistachio carry ecojot... in fact, they're always positioned right next to us. clearly we're the better, more ECOawesome brand! right? ;D
bon weekend emily !
Oh I wondered which came first (pistachio or ecojot) I certainly DID notice that they are very similar, with the notebook sizes, and bold designs. I don't know who's better-they're both ecoly/equally cool, 100% recycled-but ecojot's the one who's brought ecojoy into my life! (someone gifted me a ecojot notebook)
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