I am a gal and therefore from time to time find myself quite fond of chick flicks!
chick flick: noun informal : a movie that appeals mainly to women.
Therefore, I couldn't resist going to go see the latest chick flick "He's just not that into you." It was as I had hoped and expected, entertaining in that "appeals mainly to women" kinda way ;) And if I need to sum it up in 25 words or less, I'd say... The gist of the flick is...
And with the anticipated or dreaded Valentine's Day less than a week a way, I can't help but think of that evocative four letter word... LOVE...
What is LOVE to you?
Tell me (as a comment), for your chance to win a complete set of Ecojot's LOVE ecoCOLLECTION displayed above. My February Giveaway will run until midnight of February 22nd, and to start it off, I will say, according to me...
What is LOVE to you?
Tell me (as a comment), for your chance to win a complete set of Ecojot's LOVE ecoCOLLECTION displayed above. My February Giveaway will run until midnight of February 22nd, and to start it off, I will say, according to me...
Love is a smile; a sigh coupled with sweet tears... Love is.
PS - DesignerJots is holding a similar giveaway until this Saturday (Valentine's Day)... Click here for your second chance to win :D
love is torture; love is a warm and wonderful feeling
love brings love
ecojot designs make me happy
when i'm happy, i love
loving designs make the world spin
and when the world spins, we become dizzy with our love
to create with love is to create love
and making love is what we're here to do
a shining sun, a baby's smile, a budding flower or a loving mother...
oh, how nature show us love
each & all, in our hearts
beating loudly, as the world spins
will create & breathe
and love
believe this, my sincere word
and then love...
will prevail over all else
love is... a hug a day :)
Love is an unmitigated emotional commitment to another person, but only if they reciprocate. If they don't then you're obsessed and possibly stalking, and how dare you feel that way in the first place.
Love is happiness...a walk on a warm sunny day under a rainbow sprinkled with shiny stars....
Love is essential.
For me love is an energy that flows freely in the body, bringing joy, and just a wonderful warm feeling inside. It can come from others, but blossoms first in me! Love attracts love;)
Thank you for the opportunity to write this, what a wonderful way to start the day!
Love is something I discovered at the ripe old age of 43, and I am so glad I waited and didn't "settle". Giovanni is the best thing to ever enter my life, and I shall be forever grateful!
Love gives people the opportunity to step back from the inherent selfishness that all people have and put another person's needs and desires above our own. And instead of making ourselves less for this, it instead gives us exponential benefits.
Love is waking up every morning beside my husband of 6 months and smiling - having someone there for me everyday, to make me smile & to make me laugh. It's someone to share my thoughts and ideas and passions with. It's someone to encourage me and to encourage - it's new discoveries, everyday. It's happy days and not so happy days, it's hugs and kisses.
Love is being able to spend every day of the rest of your life with your very best friend hand in hand / side by side smiling :) I am SO happy to be in love!!! :)
Comfort and excitement. Fulfillment and sacrifice. Fleeting or eternal. Crazy and sane. Love is a blessing.
What great comments so far!
Love is like sunshine - when it's there in full bloom, it's easy to be happy, but when the skies are grey and you have to dig inside and allow your memories of sunshine brighten your day, it's more deeply satisfying because you have discovered in yourself what is needed for true happiness. Sometimes love is fun and easy, and other times, you have to pull it out from your depths, and it's deeper and more lasting.
Love is the only reason for living.
Love is my biggest motivator! Love is why I look after my family, tend to my marriage, take care of myself and try my best to keep Mother Nature happy.
Isn't it funny how sometimes we know more of what something is not rather than what it is ? Take love for example:
"Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude;
never selfish, nor quick to take offense."
Maybe because there is no proper way to define love. There are no words that can possibly encompass all that love is. It isn't something you look up in the dictionary, it's something you learn from living & loving.
it just is.
it's in present tense - a journey not a destination (it's now), it's when you make the most of every moment..
it's a verb - it's something you do, how you act, what you feel..
it's incomplete - you're in charge of filling up the rest... ;)
to me, love is the strongest kind of magic out there. ((it's the reason harry potter lives!))
I. Love is feeling the kicks, punches, rolls and hiccups of a little person inside of you for 9 months- and even though you haven't met them yet (and in our case don't even know if they are a boy or a girl!) you love them already.
II. Love is also in a new found appreciation for your own parents when you become a parent yourself.
I am sure I'll be able to say more when our baby actually arrives!
Love is a place to call home - whether in your own heart, in nature or the hearts of others.
Love is a simple act, even if it's just asking one another how their day was ♥
Love is when you pick me up...when my face is down.
Love is when you hold me close when I'm feeling cold.
Love is when you hold my hand....just because.
Love is us.
Love is what makes our lives so great. It comforts in times of trouble and magnifies our triumphs.
Aw! My sister and I love Chic Flicks. In fact, this weekend we are going a Valentine date to go see Confession of a Shopaholic. I guess we are hopeless romantics!
Love is joy set free.
When a parent can admit they were wrong and asks for a child's forgiveness ... love reaches out its' arms!
Love is still fresh after 29 years of marriage & 34 year of knowing each other - he makes me smile
Love is Life!
Love is the closest thing we as mortals have to magic. The emotion is indescribable, it can only be felt. With it, it gives us hope & joy.
Love is what keeps us going everyday, anywhere, whenever we need it.
Love is not a destination, but a way of life.
Sometimes it is painful, sometimes it's magic, but it is never a bad thing.
Love is complex and insane, while simple and essential.
Without love, we simply could not exist.
Love is the fact that, after five years, he still bakes me cookies when I'm sick.
I'm sappy, yep.
To me, love is feeling of safety and comfort and warmth :)
Love is...
Love is the seed of all hope.
It is the enticement to trust, to risk, to try, to go on.
--Gloria Gaither
I try to live by this in my personal and professional life.
Viva la Love!
Love is baking treats for your sweet!
love is comfort.
Love is....
that warm, happy feeling that you carry long after the lust has dissipated
that heart-wrenching, wonderful feeling you get when you hold your child in your arms, they say their first word, and more
that comfortable feeling you get everytime you see your Mom, Dad, siblings, close relatives and friends
that feeling that your heart is so full that it's going to burst!
love is... my son.
Love to me is acceptance...accepting others and others accepting you just the way you are.
Love is... what you let shine.
Love is...the fire that ignites the coal that once filled your heart, desposited by those who never deserved to receive it in the first place.
Love is feeling that you are never alone. No matter where you are and you think of being loved - your heartstrings feel a warm strum.
Love is being around someone for hours at a time and not having to say a single word.
Love is be accepting and forgiving - always.
Here's one of my favorite marriage quotes I got from a book somehwere - I think it was 'Don't Hit A Jelly Fish With a Spade' - here it is:
"People who wander around talking rubbish to themselves are generally considered slightly bonkers. In a marriage, you can do this all the time because there's someone in the other corner of the room making tea. This is the big thing in marriage when the sex, the children and the teeth have gone."
My husband makes me sane - just by being in the same room with me.
Love is Dutch apple upside-down pancakes for your Valentine's Day breakfast, coupled with a smooch and a gaze at your beautiful sleeping baby.
Love is being happy when you're with him, and happy in the memory when you're apart.
Love is patient, kind and enduring.
Love is accepting another as they are, appreciating them, and enjoying being with them.
Love is spending my own money on something my mom wants.
Love is getting a long sleeved white flannel nightgown for Christmas from a husband who prefers black lace lingere :)
as they say in the movies love is never having to say you are sorry thanks for the giveaway
Love is a soft sigh
And a baby's smile.
My girlfriend sent me this poem after her mom recently died. They would talk on the phone everyday. I think this poem represents how loving others sustains, nurtures and challenges who we are. It is essential to feeling connected to ourselves and others.
Loss of Mother Poem
Now that I am gone,
remember me with smiles and laughter.
And if you need to cry,
cry with your brother or sister
who walks in grief beside you.
And when you need me,
put your arms around anyone
and give to them what you need to give to me.
There are so many who need so much.
I want to leave you something --
something much better than words or sounds.
Look for me in the people I've known
or helped in some special way.
Let me live in your heart
as well as in your mind.
You can love me most
by letting your love reach out to our loved ones,
by embracing them and living in their love.
Love does not die, people do.
So, when all that's left of me is love,
give me away as best you can.
~ Author unknown
Love is caring more for some else than you do yourself.
Love is the best thing in life.
Never having to say I'm sorry?
No I guess love is what my dogs show to my -- unconditional affection and caring.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Love is undeniable, unending, and unquestionable when I gaze into my daughter's eyes.
love is courage.
love is in no doubt what people strive for, what people live for, what people hope and try to find throughout their life.
Love is God, God is Love, Love from comes from God, and God gives us Love.
love is when you boyfriend slips little memories in your bag for your later reading..
it's when you can only say "I'm sorry" through a kiss
Love is getting mad at yourself for not being the best you can be for him/her
love is worth it all...
(i'd like to give a shout-out to PAVEL, my sweetie.. I LOVE YOU!!!!)
this video made me think of your contest.
hello hello, this is Aarti and I wanted to give my sentiments on love for this lovely environmentally friendly site- ecojetter! I really think everyday should be Valentine's day. In a sense, everyday we should love our mates, family and friends and unconditionally show love not just on a Hallmark holiday. I hope you all enjoy this note and spread love within yourselves and to others throughout! Cheers - Aarti
Love is essential. is very wonderful....
like john mccartney said: "all you need is love" :)
Love is...sinking into a warm bath. Wrapping myself in my favourite doona with a hot chocolate on a cold winter afternoon. As beautiful as a sunset. All encompassing.
Love to me is appreciation of the little things in life. Everyone seems to make love into this huge, special thing, but I think love is simple, sweet and pure. The essence of love to me is how you treat the tiniest of creatures, the earth, the people you know and care about, the people you know and dislike, the people you have never met, and those you will never know.
oops! that last comment is mine (i logged in with the wrong email)!
Love is being able to relax and be yourself with someone who does not judge or punish you for who you are. Love gives you space to live.
Love is being content.
Love is bliss.
Loving others can only happen when you love yourself first.
Love is doing his laundry and making him brownies when I'd rather be watching the arrivals at the Oscars!!!
Love is that Jane Austen kind of feeling mixed with modern day. That kind of love that makes me want to be with him more than anyone else. That kind of love that lasts...the kind that means you're well...in LOVE! To use our code...143...which means I LOVE YOU and is engraved inside his wedding ring. And also how we sign off on our texts and emails.
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