Thursday, February 11, 2010

An ecojot love letter.

penny love letters by gingerlillytea

About three weeks ago Mark of ecojot received the following email titled "A word from a happy customer."

With all my chatter about spreading the ecojot-giving word as my February Giveaway, it only seemed appropriate to share this ecojot-loving letter!
To: Mark and Carolyn Gavin


I am writing to share with you how much I truly enjoy the existence of your ecojot line of products. I first discovered your notebooks in a shelf at a national bookstore, and among the other excellent designed booklets and notebooks in that shelf, a cardboard bird-themed spiral notebook stood out. At the time I was not aware of your company’s background, but the first impression told me that you cared about making something simple and beautiful and that you wanted to share these beautiful, useful things with others.

It was that notebook, among other things that inspired me to follow my passion: graphic design. I stood in front of that shelf looking at your notebook for a few minutes, and when I realized how happy looking at this notebook made me, I decided to take it home.

I have been a faithful user of your notebooks ever since, and it was about time to share with you the thoughts of one of your customers, it may not mean much, but I thought you and your sister would like to know that if I’m ever in a class and feeling down, I look at the cover of my notebook or down to the center of the page and it makes me feel happy.

Thank you for that.

Sarah D. A.

P.S. If you could tell me if there is any way in which I can become involved with the creation of your awesome products, you would make my day!
Thank you for sending your letter, Sarah. I was as touched as Mark and Carolyn to hear your kind words.

Don't you just love receiving love letters no matter what time of year? Happy Thursday!


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