Just a little over 17 months ago I excitedly started this blog, so it is with a bit of a heavy heart that I decide to bid ecojotting au revoir... For now anyway ;)

It has been such a delight to say the least connecting with all of you fellow bloggers (such as sweet CandiedFabrics and eco-enthusiasts (like D'angelo) all across the globe! From posting fun, quirky, beautiful, cute, silly videos, photos and eco innovative stories... to my Earth Day countdown rolling giveaway and helping promote ecojot's newest give campaign... Delightful is in fact an understatement!
Thank you for keeping tabs on my posts, participating in my giveaways and sharing your thoughts and ideas!
In the coming weeks I am transitioning into some exciting new projects.... Plus ecojot is launching a new company blog, called jot and dot - the ecojot blog:

My new projects will unfortunately limit my time to blog, hence this post... However, if from time to time you'd still like to continue to keep tabs on me and the "fun, quirky, beautiful, cute, silly" videos, photos, and eco-cool videos photos and stories I come across, you're very welcome to bookmark my new more personal blog, a cuppa tee:

I know I've always signed ej for ecojotter, yet my first initial is actually t !
Hope to see you for a cuppa tee ;) And in the meantime, this isn't goodbye, simply 'til next time...
Much love,
ej a.k.a. tee.
PS - For just one more special au revoir video, my absolute favourite of all... one filmed by my very talented taller lil sis... Enjoy! And take care ;)